Parent Category: American Revolution Reference
Category: Sages and Heroes of the American Revolution
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A love for the land of our birth is natural--commendable. A continued oppression from those in power may drive us from that land--compel us to seek an asylum under a more congenial government--still the associations of our native spot are a source of frequent and pleasing thought never to be entirely eradicated from our minds.

No man should ever adopt a new country and government without a full determination to become a good and useful citizen and submit implicitly to the laws as they are until he shall find himself in a majority of the virtuous who rise in their majesty to change for the better. With this principle for a polar star--foreigners who seek a peaceful asylum in our country may become as staunch supporters of our national Constitution and UNION as native born patriots. If they cannot--they should retrace their steps quickly and return to the iron blessings of monarchy. We want none among us who do not love our country and her noble institutions. An open door--a hearty welcome awaits every foreign _patriot_ that comes to this land of the brave and home of the free. We have an overplus of native demagogues, fanatics, ultraists, disunionists and bigots--without importing any from Europe.

During the American Revolution a number of illustrious and noble patriots of high standing came from the old world to aid in planting the tree of LIBERTY in the new. Among them was the brave Baron de Kalb, a native of Germany. Of his early history we have no record. He was a brigadier-general in the French army and had earned a high military reputation. He was a knight of the order of Military Merit and highly esteemed by his fellow officers. A philanthropist of high order--imbued with liberal principles--in favor of a Republican form of government--familiar with the oppressions of England in America--acquainted with the noble efforts of the oppressed to free themselves from tyranny--Baron de Kalb at once resolved to be the companion of the patriotic La Fayette. On his arrival he was commissioned a major-general in the Continental army and placed in command of the Maryland division. He readily gained the esteem and confidence of all who made his acquaintance. He was a man of strong common sense--great experience--a close observer of men and things--an admirable disciplinarian--a brave and prudent officer. With a robust frame and iron constitution--he was able to endure the proverbial fatigues and privations of the American army. He was remarkably abstemious--living mostly on bread and water. His industry and zeal in the glorious cause he had espoused were worthy of all praise. He was up early and late and spent all his leisure from official duty in writing in some retired place. Unfortunately his writings were lost and the subject matter was known to no one but himself.

The brilliant career of this noble patriot soldier was closed at the battle of Camden, S. C. He there commanded the right wing of the American army composed of regulars. The left wing was composed of militia who fled at the sight of the red coats advancing with fixed bayonets--as terrified as young horses at a locomotive. Not so with the right wing. Although contending against overwhelming numbers they stood their ground and fought like tigers. In his last desperate attempt to seize the laurels of victory--the Baron fell helpless with eleven wounds. In this prostrate condition a base attempt was made to pierce him with several bayonets which was prevented by one of his aids--Chevalier de Buysson--who threw himself over the fallen hero and received the bayonets in his own body--exclaiming "_Save the Baron de Kalb!_" The British officers interfered--saved him from instant death and made him their prisoner. He was kindly treated by his captors and survived but a short time. To an officer who expressed his sorrow for his sufferings he replied--"I thank you for your sympathy--I die the death I always prayed for--the death of a soldier fighting for the rights of man."

In his last moments he dictated a letter to Gen. Smallwood who succeeded him in command of his division. He expressed his ardent affection for his officers and men--lauded their bravery which had forced admiration from their enemies--urged them to persevere in the glorious cause of FREEDOM until triumphant victory should perch upon their manly brows. He then invoked a benediction on his beloved division--reached out his trembling hand to Col. de Buysson--resigned his soul to God and closed his eyes in death.

In that battle both armies suffered severely. Several others of the American officers were killed--among them Col. Potterfield who was a favorite of the whole army.

Baron de Kalb was a man of amiable disposition--modest and unassuming in his manners--frank and generous in his intercourse--strictly moral and temperate in his habits--was highly esteemed by all who knew him and died deeply lamented. He was buried at Camden. His memory is cherished by every friend of LIBERTY.

Some years after he had slumbered under the clods of the valley, Gen. Washington visited his grave. He contemplated it thoughtfully for a few moments and remarked--"So there lies the brave De Kalb--the generous stranger who came from a distant land to fight our battles and to water the tree of our LIBERTY with his blood. Would to God he had lived to share its fruits."

In 1780 Congress caused a monument to be erected to his memory inĀ Annapolis, Maryland, with the following inscription,

Sacred to the memory of the BARON DE KALB, Knight of the royal order of Military Merit, Brigadier of the armies of France, and MAJOR GENERAL In the service of the United States of America. Having served with honor and reputation For three years, He gave a last and glorious proof of his attachment to the liberties of mankind And the cause of America, In the action near Camden in the State of South Carolina On the 16th of August 1780, Where, leading on the troops of the Maryland and Delaware lines Against superior numbers And animating them by his examples To deeds of valor, He was pierced with many wounds And on the nineteenth following expired In the 48th year of his age. THE CONGRESS Of the United States of America, In gratitude to his zeal, services and merit, Have erected this monument.