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If you have ever been asked to write a history essay, you probably have spent lots of time searching the internet using the words, how to write a good history essay and been disappointed by all the intellectual arguments going on. Well, we have decided to skip all these arguments and come up with this article to help essay writers with practical advice on how they can go about writing this type of essay.  

Understand the Question

Before you even think about how to structure an essay, you will need to ensure that you understand the question. No matter how much of a good writer you are, no one will be interested in what you have written if you are not being relevant. When you write any essay, there is always a temptation to show off your knowledge by including information that is not relevant to the topic: avoid this.

This process of understanding the question involves thinking, and we all know that thinking is one thing many people would rather not be involved in. Unfortunately, if your aim is to get a good grade, there is no way by which you can substitute the thinking process. The process of thinking should involve rethinking what you think you know.

Take Advantage of the First Paragraph

As you already know from practical life situations, you only get one chance to make a first impression. Use the first paragraph to show the marker of your history essay that you have understood the questions fully. Use this paragraph to explain the main terms and also establish the time frames and issues that you are going to write about. By doing this, you are indicating to the reader what the scope of your paper will be.

In the first paragraph, also divide the question into manageable units and give an idea of how you are going to treat each of the subsections. Tell the reader about the argument that you will support in the essay that follows. 

Explain the Points in the Middle Paragraphs

Once you have the attention of the reader, use the middle paragraphs of your history essay to make your argument and explain the important points. Start every paragraph with a sentence that generalizes what you are going to write about in the body of the paragraph. Now, it is the time to use evidence to support the arguments or facts you are delivering. If an essay was a meal, the middle paragraphs would be the main meal.

Pronounce Your Verdict in the Final Paragraph

If you have argued your case and presented your facts in the middle paragraphs, the last is your opportunity to deliver a verdict. This is not the time to introduce new arguments. Use this paragraph to make your closing statement.

Always remember that a good essay is one that gets revised several times. Put it away for a day or two before working on it again. And let the wise robots check your grammar and punctuation.